Canadian Military Trims Beard, Hair Allowances


After a couple of years of letting it all hang out, the Canadian Armed Forces is telling its members, including pilots, to tidy up their locks and whiskers. Beards now have to be trimmed to no longer than an inch and hair longer than the lower collar must be tied back when the members are on duty. It can also be colored but bobby pins, elastics and other restraints must either be black or match the color of the hair. Previously, beards and ‘staches could be any length and hair could be shoulder length before it had to be tied back. Anything that interfered with safety or other necessary equipment wasn’t allowed.

The Forces liberalized the regs in 2022 in an attempt to increase recruitment by making the military a more inclusive workplace “where all members have a sense of belonging and are encouraged to be their authentic selves.” In its update to the dress code, the CAF said relaxing the rules has had many benefits, but there was “inconsistent interpretation and application” of them. “What got lost in translation is what we, who choose to serve, represent when we wear the CAF uniform,” said CAF Chief Warrant Officer Bob McCann. “We do not represent just our individual selves but everyone who wore this uniform and fought before us so that we can enjoy the freedoms and way of life we get to enjoy today.”

Russ Niles
Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.


  1. What if one wanting to be him/her/its self needs a three inch beard?

    What a crock of crap!

    Canada does not even need a military. Just sit back and let the US take care of them if and when needed.

    • We have a 3 ship submarine service that should be ready any day now. Up north we have Rangers with nice rifles. Even the polar bears know not to steal their lunches. Sleep well tonight knowing we stand on guard for (all of us) thee.

  2. They f___ed up and they know it. They’re trying to walk it back and they’re doing a really poor job of it. Letting the genie out of the bottle does have consequences.

  3. As the Chief Warrant Officer said, in the military we do not represent our individual selves. If that’s what you want, look elsewhere. Or sign up and enjoy getting to represent something much bigger than yourself.

  4. Didn’t we just have this sort of discussion with respect to the US military? Roger nailed it. The military is NOT a democracy. It’s supposed to represent the best of what is best of the society as a whole and not individualism. Every time I see people covered in hideous tattoos, I think, “circus freak.” Same thing with people with shaggy hair, beards or sloppiness. If THAT is what’s important to them … look elsewhere for employment / careers.