FAA Exceeds FY ’24 Controller Hiring Target

With its target for this year met, the FAA explores strategies to continue hiring controllers.

Earlier this week, the FAA announced it has exceeded its hiring goal for air traffic controllers for fiscal year 2024 (ending Sept. 30). A total of 1,811 new hires have signed on, eleven more than the target figure of 1,800. The agency said in a statement that the figure was the highest in nearly 10 years and represents “important progress” toward stemming a decades-long decline in ATC staffing numbers.

FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker said, “I’m thrilled to announce that we hit this major hiring milestone and have so many talented professionals entering our training program. It’s a testament to the hard work of everyone involved and part of our ongoing work to rebuild the controller workforce.”

Requirements for the job include a commitment to work day, evening and night shifts, as well as weekends and holidays “depending on assigned schedules.” As far as geographical facility assignments, staffing needs will determine placement, which could be anywhere in the U.S., following graduation from the training program in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

In addition, applicants need to be U.S. citizens, able to speak English clearly, be younger than 31 years old, have at least a year’s work experience or work/education combination, and pass a medical examination, security screening and a pre-employment skills assessment.

Whitaker added, “Being recruiter-in-chief is one of the most important roles I play at the FAA. We will not rest on the success of this hiring push—we are already thinking about how to meet our goals next year and into the future.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.