Diamond Aircraft’s All-Electric eDA40 Completes First Flight


Diamond Aircraft has announced the first flight of its all-electric eDA40 single. The milestone flight took place at Diamond’s headquarters in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, on July 20. Safran Electrical & Power supplied the ENGINeUSTM electric smart motor, and Electric Power Systems (EPS) supplied the battery module, which is equipped with a direct current (DC) fast charging system. Diamond said it expects the eDA40 to be the first EASA/FAA Part 23 certified electric aircraft.

Diamond’s head of flight test Sören Pedersen was at the controls for the first flight. Tests included system checks, basic maneuvers and a preliminary performance evaluation. “The flight went as scheduled and delivered all results requested,” according to Diamond.

Liqun (Frank) Zhang, CEO of Diamond Aircraft Austria, said, “The aircraft performed outstandingly well during its maiden flight and not only met but exceeded all our expectations. We are very much looking forward to offer an exceptional sustainable aircraft for the flight training market of tomorrow.” He added, “We are extremely proud to announce another significant milestone for our all-electric eDA40.”

Mark Phelps
Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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    • Just a guess – there are none because the specs would be either embarrassing or disappointing – or both. If truly impressive the bragging ink would be all over the report.

      • From their web site:

        * Total flight time is expected to be up to 90 minutes as the battery technology evolves;

        * Battery module will be equipped with a DC fast charging system, capable of turning around a depleted aircraft in under 20 minutes.

  1. Until electrical power delivery approaches that envisioned by Asimov and Heinlein in early science fiction, electric airplanes will only manage to fill extremely niche roles.

    This push under the color “green” (when it is anything but) seems entirely foolish and expensive waste.

  2. I actually WISH that electric flight was technologically feasible in the foreseeable future but it’s not.

    I have no concern for ‘global warming’ but see the advantages from an operational POV.

    I just spent a lot of time and money repairing a leaky exhaust valve on the number 1 cylinder of the Bonanza the last few weekends. Worn valve guide was all it was.

    Not the biggest job (AP supervised) but a lot of work and money for my best friend and me.

    I briefly fantasized about an engine immune to this (2 stroke FTW 🙂 but soon realized electric would come with its own problems and challenges.

    I think the best effort is to put the energy into refining and GREATLY bringing down the cost of IC engines for aviation, and I think adapting car engines is the right way to go.

    The experimental guys have it figured. LS V8’s that make sick power and better fuel burns than big bore Continentals and Lycomings.

    Mercedes turbodiesels.

    The list is huge and huge with possibilities.

    • I agree completely. I would LOVE a usable electric plane, but volume and demand are in the car’s favor.

      When the tech is solved to make lighter EV’s for the road, plane designs using that tech might benefit from some of the current electric plane activity. Unfortunately, it might take a few months off of a multi year road to certification.

      In the meantime we could have possibly had some new piston planes which aren’t anywhere near being the world’s CO2 problem.

      I also keep wondering why we keep making cars bigger, heavier, and higher horsepower.

  3. So … how long was the flight? 5 minutes? How long does it take to charge the battery (ies)?

    12 hours? 24 hours? Just sayin’