Cessna Offers G1000 NXi For Caravan

The Garmin G1000 NXi integrated flight deck is now available for the Cessna Caravan and Cessna Grand Caravan EX, Textron Aviation said at EAA AirVenture this week. The option has been OK’d by both the FAA and EASA, Textron said. Features in the new flight deck include significant flight-display modernization with faster processing times, improved graphics rendering, and enhanced readability with LED back-lighting, the company said.

The Garmin G1000 NXi integrated flight deck is now available for the Cessna Caravan and Cessna Grand Caravan EX, Textron Aviation said at EAA AirVenture this week. The option has been OK'd by both the FAA and EASA, Textron said. Features in the new flight deck include significant flight-display modernization with faster processing times, improved graphics rendering and enhanced readability with LED backlighting, the company said. Capability improvements include map overlay on the HSI, improved FMS capabilities that include visual approaches and standard ADS-B Out with optional ADS-B In.

Other new features include the ability to view VFR and IFR charts on the moving map and animated SiriusXM weather depiction. As an option, SurfaceWatch can provideenhanced runway situational awareness. The Cessna Caravan fleet comprises more than 2,600 aircraft, certified in 100 countries, Textron said.