Oshkosh 1998 Image Gallery: Day Five – Saturday, August 1

Our fifth day of photos from Oshkosh ’98.

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven

Day Five - August 1, 1998

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Today's Airshow

Herbie goes to Oshkosh. A tale of two tails. Look, it's got one of them revolving restaurants on it. Can you take us to 20th Street?
Pretty maids all in a row. What was in that cup? You want us to push start it? Express lane, 2 items or less.
Synchornized swimmers. Wingin' it. Check wheels down. EAA Young Eagles.
Help! Mommy! It's got me!!! How'd you like your eggs? Uh, Houston, we have a problem. Well, it's not quite Capistrano.
He only does windows. You got a problem with pink? Darn Concourde, always sticking its nose in. Fluffy! Nooooo!!
You wouldn't believe the cool stuff they toss out. Well, it said 100LL. Passing the torch. I swear, I parked it right there!
...and their signals were on the whole time. Izzat thing on? Got change for a two year old? Now tell me that isn't a rubber band!
Mine will come with a tail, right? The FedEx crew recount their tragic tale. Hurry up, Tommy, and pick that lock. I guess this is listed as "Experimental"?
The only place busier than the tower. No Dad! MISS the holes! The new model "Piper". Are you sure it's a relief tube?