Sun ‘n Fun Launches Job Fair
Sun ‘n Fun held its first job fair on Wednesday, with 13 companies offering jobs for pilots, mechanics, ground crew, flight attendants, and a variety of other aviation-related careers. Robb Williams, manager of Sun ‘n Fun’s Aerospace Discovery Center, told AVweb about 300 job-seekers had signed up for the event, which was free after paying $37 for a day pass to the show. “Come to the air show, leave with a job,” was his hope for those who attended, he said.

Sun 'n Fun held its first job fair on Wednesday, with 13 companies offering jobs for pilots, mechanics, ground crew, flight attendants, and a variety of other aviation-related careers. Robb Williams, manager of Sun 'n Fun's Aerospace Discovery Center, told AVweb about 300 job-seekers had signed up for the event, which was free after paying $37 for a day pass to the show. "Come to the airshow, leave with a job," was his hope for those who attended, he said. Piper was there, looking for sheet-metal assemblers and a variety of aircraft workers for their Vero Beach plant, and Jet Blue was talking with potential applicants and directing them to a company website to submit resumes. Representatives from American Eagle said they are "actively hiring" and aiming to fill new-hire classes twice a month.
Other potential employers at the show included NASA, Embraer, Epic Aircraft, Republic Airways, Garmin, and Mesa Air Group. One vendor said attendance seemed low compared to other shows, such as the one at EAA AirVenture, where they brought in bus loads of college students, and added that perhaps the $37 entry fee might be an obstacle for some. Others said they were pleased with the number of applicants they'd seen during the event. The job fair was held at the Florida Air Museum, on the airshow grounds.