B-17 Wing Inspection AD Issued

As expected, the FAA has issued an AD that likely requires a complex inspection of the wing attachment assemblies on all the airworthy aircraft. The FAA says an eddy current…

As expected, the FAA has issued an AD that likely requires a complex inspection of the wing attachment assemblies on all the airworthy aircraft. The FAA says an eddy current inspection of bolt holes in the wing structure is likely the most efficient method and will take about 25 hours. If issues are found repairs will have to be done and that might be expensive.

The FAA was notified when a pilot on a walkaround noticed that the left wing on a B-17 he was getting ready to fly had a two-inch gap between it and the fuselage. "This AD was prompted by a report indicating that the left front spar lower fitting had completely separated at the wing-to-fuselage joint, and the equivalent joint on the right side of the airplane was cracked," the AD says. "This AD requires inspections of the wing terminal-to-spar chord joints, and repair if necessary."

Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.