Honeywell Teams with ITPS on Test Pilot Flight Training

Two Honeywell Aerospace students will begin the 18-month course this fall

Dave Lohse (right), chief executive officer at the International Test Pilot School (ITPS), signed an agreement with Bill Lee, senior director of Flight Test Operations at Honeywell Aerospace to establish a new test pilot training program. Credit: ITPS

Honeywell is pairing with the International Test Pilot School (ITPS) in London, Ontario, Canada, to introduce a flight test program targeted at improving the way professional test pilots are trained. The Honeywell Aerospace Flight Test Team will be the launch customer for ITPS’s Hybrid Industry Training Solutions program.

The first two Honeywell candidates will enroll in the inaugural course this fall. The entire program consists of an 18-month curriculum.

Dave Lohse, ITPS CEO, said, “ITPS is committed to delivering innovative training solutions that balance industry demands with professional development. The Hybrid Industry Training Solutions program delivers high-quality training while minimizing disruptions to our customers’ critical flight test operations.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.