CubCrafters Acquires Summit Aircraft Skis

Just in time for ski season, backcountry aircraft icon CubCrafters is showing its fiscal savvy by acquiring Summit Aircraft Skis. The manufacturer of Part 23-certified, light-sport and experimental aircraft bought…

Just in time for ski season, backcountry aircraft icon CubCrafters is showing its fiscal savvy by acquiring Summit Aircraft Skis. The manufacturer of Part 23-certified, light-sport and experimental aircraft bought the design and manufacturing assets, unique patents and related intellectual property of Sandpoint, Idaho-based Summit Aircraft Skis, which are “favored by [CubCrafters’] Carbon Cub aircraft owners and preferred by the owners of many other types of non-CubCrafters manufactured backcountry capable aircraft,” according to the CubCrafters press release.

Patrick Horgan, Yakima, Washington-based CubCrafters president and CEO, said, "It has been a joy for our team to work together with Mike Custard, Summit's founder, to coordinate a smooth ski manufacturing transition. Adding Summit Skis to the CubCrafters product lineup allows us to better meet our customers’ needs and adds a new profit center. We see a great potential for growth with the Summit brand that we want to be a part of going forward.”

CubCrafters quoted Bob Breeden, cited as “an Alaska backcountry flying expert,” who uses Summit Skis on his Super Cub airplane: “I’ve been using Summits’ skis for some time now and they have enabled me to adventure further afield and discover and land in new, fresh places. I really love these skis and I’m very pleased to hear that they will be in CubCrafters’ capable hands going forward. I know the team there will keep the innovation going and will ensure the skis are supported in the future.”

As a company with rural, backcountry roots, CubCrafters has been showing itself to be a financially progressive entity. It recently qualified with the Securities and Exchange Commission to make a $50 million public stock offering. As a result, investors can now purchase stock in the 42-year-old company for the first time, CubCrafters said.

Brad Damm, CubCrafters’ vice president, said, "Summit Skis, when combined with the outstanding wintertime defrost and cabin heater technology used on our FX-3 model, makes that aircraft the ultimate ski airplane."


Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.