Displaced Threshold A Factor In Collision Between 182 And Pickup

Canada’s Transportation Safety Board says its final report on a collision between a Cessna 182 and pickup truck earlier this year is a lesson in respect for displaced thresholds. The…

Canada's Transportation Safety Board says its final report on a collision between a Cessna 182 and pickup truck earlier this year is a lesson in respect for displaced thresholds. The 182 plowed into the roof and windshield of a municipal works pickup in the Vancouver suburb of Langley on May 2. According to the report the 182 was perfectly lined up for the beginning of the paved threshold of Runway 25 at Langley Municipal Airport when it should have been 30 feet higher and headed for the beginning of the actual runway 343 feet from the impact point. "Runway thresholds are often displaced to ensure that the approach slope is clear of obstacles," the TSB said in a "Safety Message" at the end of the report instead of a probable cause assessment. "Therefore, it is important that pilots aim to touch down beyond the displaced threshold to help maintain obstacle clearance."

The 182 was on local flight with a pilot and passenger onboard when the accident occurred. The truck was traveling south on a public road beside the perimeter fence when the aircraft hit it, taking out the windshield and peeling back the roof. The driver was not seriously hurt. The plane continued through the fence and ended up in a ditch where the displaced threshold begins. The passenger was able to get out himself but needed help to get the more seriously injured pilot out. The wreck was consumed by fire soon after the two got out. The TSB noted the pilot had installed four-point restraints in the plane and credited them with preventing more serious injuries. It also gave a nod to the bystanders who jumped in to help immediately.

Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.