Lufthansa Training Center Signs With Brunner for VR Simulators

Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT) has signed a contract with Swiss aviation-training technology company Brunner Elektronik for its NovaSimMR (mixed reality) full motion simulators. The virtual-reality-capable sims will be configured for…

Photo: Brunner Elektronik

Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT) has signed a contract with Swiss aviation-training technology company Brunner Elektronik for its NovaSimMR (mixed reality) full motion simulators. The virtual-reality-capable sims will be configured for the Diamond DA-42 piston twin and enter service for Cadet Pilot Training at LAT’s Zurich, Switzerland, facility.

Designed to provide “a highly realistic training environment and flight experience at an affordable price,” the NovaSimMR DA-42 model was developed in partnership with FlightSafety International and virtual reality headset developer Varjo. With the blended technologies, students wearing a Varjo XR-3 headset can experience both a real DA-42 cockpit (equipped with Garmin G1000 avionics) and the 360-degree virtual external presentation of FlightSafety’s Vital 1150 Level-D image generator.

The XR-3 VR headset offers human-eye resolution (greater than 70 PPD) with a 115-degree field of view. Brunner describes the Varjo XR-3 as “the only device where virtual objects look real instead of appearing as holographic augmentations. With ultra-low latency [less than 20 milliseconds] and a high-fidelity 12-megapixel video stream, you can explore true-to-life virtual visualizations as natural extensions of the real world. You can also effortlessly switch between XR, AR, and VR.”

According to Brunner, “Mixed Reality Simulators are the path forward and will lead the whole simulation and training industry into an era with safer, more ecological, and more affordable training; not only for the biggest training providers in Europe, like LAT, but [also] for smaller flight school operators all around the world.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.