On The Fly
S-TEC’s autopilot roll servo STC’d for Cirrus SR22s…EXP5000 PFD course from Flight1 now FITS compliant…Anywhere Map offers new PDA bundle…MS Aviation releases online private pilot training course.
S-TEC received FAA STC approval on Wednesday for installation of its standard roll-axis servo in Cirrus SR22s with System Fifty Five X autopilots. The company says the new $4,000 servo will enhance roll response when using the airplane's autopilot…
Flight1 Aviation Technologies' Avidyne EXP5000 primary flight display PC-based courseware has been accepted as a FAA/Industry Training Standard (FITS) self-learning program…
Anywhere Map is now offering the HP Travel Companion 5915 packaged with its moving-map GPS system and an airplane interface adapter…
MS Aviation on Friday released its online private pilot training course that covers ground training, FAA knowledge test preparation and checkride preparation. The introductory price is $97.
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