First Canadian Cessna SkyCourier Delivered

Cessna’s twin-turboprop utility workhorse received Transport Canada certification late last year.

Air Bravo president and CEO Rick Horwath is anxious to put his new Cessna SkyCourier to work. Credit: Textron Aviation

Textron Aviation announced earlier this week it has delivered the first SkyCourier utility twin-engine aircraft in Canada to Air Bravo Corporation, a passenger, cargo and air-ambulance flight service provider with bases in Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Barrie, and Meaford, Ontario. The SkyCourier received Transport Canada Civil Aviation certification late last year. More than 30 have been delivered worldwide.

The SkyCourier delivered to Air Bravo is a freighter variant and will be used to move cargo throughout the region. In freighter configuration, the SkyCourier can accommodate three LD3 cargo containers with a payload of up to 6,000 pounds. It’s powered by a pair of Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-65SC turboprop engines turning four-blade, 110-inch McCauley Propeller C779s, which are fully featherable with reversible pitch. The SkyCourier is equipped with Garmin G1000 NXi avionics, has a maximum cruise speed of more than 200 knots and has a 900 nautical-mile maximum range at long-range cruise speeds.

Rick Horwath, president and CEO, Air Bravo, said, “The aircraft has a roomy cockpit, it’s easy to fly and the avionics are user-friendly. We look forward to putting it to use.”

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.