Sporty’s CEO Michael Wolf Announces Retirement

On Friday, Sporty’s announced the retirement of its CEO, Michael Wolf, effective Jan. 31, 2025. According to Sporty’s, Wolf has been an integral member of the team for more than…

On Friday, Sporty’s announced the retirement of its CEO, Michael Wolf, effective Jan. 31, 2025.

According to Sporty’s, Wolf has been an integral member of the team for more than 50 years, holding the position of chief executive officer since 2008. Sporty’s president, John Zimmerman, will assume the role of CEO upon Wolf’s retirement.

“Michael has been instrumental in shaping Sporty’s into the industry leader it is today,” said Zimmerman. “His vision and commitment to excellence, along with his love for aviation, have left an indelible mark on our company.”

Throughout his tenure, Wolf has steered Sporty’s evolution from a traditional mail-order company to a diverse multi-channel retailer, according to the press release. He has been a dedicated advocate of initiatives like EAA’s Young Eagles program, personally flying over 250 Young Eagles. With more than 40 years as a pilot, Wolf has flown a multitude of aircraft with a fondness for flying Sporty’s iconic 1963 Piper Aztec and serving as captain and chief pilot in Sporty’s corporate flight department.

Wolf expressed his gratitude, noting he is optimistic about the future of the world-renowned pilot shop. “I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished together and confident that Sporty’s is well-positioned for success under the leadership of John Zimmerman.”

Wolf’s retirement announcement follows closely after the retirement of Sporty’s founder Hal Shevers and his wife, Sandy.

Amelia Walsh is a private pilot who enjoys flying her family’s Columbia 350. She is based in Colorado and loves all things outdoors including skiing, hiking, and camping.