Diamond News — Glass Cockpit In Europe, Fly-In In N.M.

Diamond Aircraft Industries announced on Monday that the European Aviation Safety Agency has certified its single-engine diesel-powered DA40 TDI Diamond Star with the G1000 glass cockpit. Meanwhile, in the U.S., the Diamond Aircraft Pilots and Owners Organization (DAPO) will host its First Annual Southwest Fly-In on Oct. 29 at Double Eagle II Airport in Albuquerque, N.M. Seminars will be held on Diamond aircraft maintenance, Southwest mountain flying, and G1000 cockpit tips, tricks, and shortcuts. Diamond aircraft will be on display, and on Saturday. The event is free.

Diamond Aircraft Industries announced on Monday that the European Aviation Safety Agency has certified its single-engine diesel-powered DA40 TDI Diamond Star with the G1000 glass cockpit. Meanwhile, in the U.S., the Diamond Aircraft Pilots and Owners Organization (DAPO) will host its First Annual Southwest Fly-In on Oct. 29 at Double Eagle II Airport in Albuquerque, N.M. Seminars will be held on Diamond aircraft maintenance, Southwest mountain flying, and G1000 cockpit tips, tricks, and shortcuts. Diamond aircraft will be on display, and on Saturday. The event is free. For more information, contact Lance Dietz, head of DAPO, at (727) 858-0798. For aircraft parking and fueling needs, contact West Mesa Aviation at (505) 831-2359. LMT Aviation will serve "free $100 hamburgers" for lunch.