“Dumbo” The Aerocar For Sale — $3.5 Million
As a car, it can charitably be described as ugly. As an airplane it’s almost beyond description but one of four Aerocars left in the world (one crashed) is for sale in Grand Junction, Colo. Carl and Marilyn Felling say they don’t want to sell the machine they call Dumbo but it’s part of their divorce settlement. Ironically, they obtained the extraordinarily rare contraption through a divorce sale 20 years ago. “I wouldn’t say it’s cursed by divorce,” Marilyn Felling told the Grand Junction Sentinel. The Molt Taylor design was actually certified by the Civil Aviation Authority in 1956 but it never went into production.
As a car, it can charitably be described as ugly. As an airplane it's almost beyond description but one of four Aerocars left in the world (one crashed) is for sale in Grand Junction, Colo. Carl and Marilyn Felling say they don't want to sell the machine they call Dumbo but it's part of their divorce settlement. Ironically, they obtained the extraordinarily rare contraption through a divorce sale 20 years ago. "I wouldn't say it's cursed by divorce," Marilyn Felling told the Grand Junction Sentinel. The Molt Taylor design was actually certified by the Civil Aviation Authority in 1956 but it never went into production. It did fly, however, and was made famous by TV personality Bob Cummings who owned one and featured it on his show. The Fellings' Aerocar was actually used commercially. A Portland radio station racked up more than 1,000 hours on it as a traffic report aircraft. It carried Raul Castro, Fidel's brother, as a passenger. Felling said she and her now-ex husband had plans to restore the plane to flying condition and eventually donate it to a museum but the divorce ended those plans.