FSS Privatization, NAATS Vs. AOPA?
AOPA wants a say in designing the service criteria for whatever results from a contracting-out study of U.S. flight service stations — and isn’t yet taking a stand against privatization.

AOPA wants a say in designing the service criteria forwhatever results from a contracting-out study of U.S. flight service stations-- and isn't yet taking a stand against privatization. AOPA spokesman WarrenMorningstar said the group wants direct input in drafting the Performance WorkStatement that will form part of an A76 study of FSS operations. A76 studiesinvestigate whether the government will get more bang for the buck by allowingthe private sector to bid on providing certain services. The union representingthe government workers who would be displaced by contracting out is alreadyhard at work lobbying to stop the study. But in a recent meeting between the NationalAssociation of Air Traffic Specialists (NAATS) and AOPA, the pilots' grouprefused to join the NAATS lobbying effort. "We're not going to prejudgethe results of the A76 study," said Morningstar. In a policy statementreleased last month, AOPA said the FSS system needs modernization andstreamlining. It also said that the weather briefings and other servicesprovided to pilots by FSS must remain free of charge, regardless of whodelivers them. "Our bottom-line position remains the same," saidMorningstar. NAATS President Wally Pike said he believes AOPA is betterinformed on the issue since the meeting and his group will keep up its lobbyingeffort.