Texas Town Not Ready For Powered Parachute
The powers that be in Nacogdoches, Texas, have decided to look a gift parachute in the mouth, and told the local sheriff to keep his Buckeye Dream Machine on the ground, at least for now. The sheriff got the powered ‘chute for free last month from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, funded by a federal grant to test the usefulness of the craft in crime fighting. But when three deputies started practicing in the aircraft, working toward a Sport Pilot certificate from the FAA, questions arose about liability and insurance. “I haven’t really achieved a high level of comfort with this,” said County Judge Sue Kennedy, quoted in The Daily Sentinel. “I have some concerns that we are being rushed into something we haven’t had time to look at.”
The powers that be in Nacogdoches, Texas, have decided to look a gift parachute in the mouth, and told the local sheriff to keep his Buckeye Dream Machine on the ground, at least for now. The sheriff got the powered 'chute for free last month from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, funded by a federal grant to test the usefulness of the craft in crime fighting. But when three deputies started practicing in the aircraft, working toward a Sport Pilot certificate from the FAA, questions arose about liability and insurance. "I haven't really achieved a high level of comfort with this," said County Judge Sue Kennedy, quoted in The Daily Sentinel. "I have some concerns that we are being rushed into something we haven't had time to look at." For now, the Dream Machine is grounded till at least next week, when the county will decide whether to accept the aircraft as county property, according to the Sentinel.