Top Letters And Comments, March 17, 2023
This week’s letters brought comments from readers about communicating with ATC, engine-out landings and the Reno Air Races.
Short Final: I’ll Call You Back
Reminds me of a flight out of Anchorage to Palmer VFR. Palmer is on the other side of the USAF base and not far in a fast airplane. I had arrived IFR and this was my first time into ANC. It was a sunny summer day and there was a lot of traffic. As soon as I was passed to departure I checked in and was given a routing which was a blur of landmarks of which I had no idea of the location.
I fessed up as unfamiliar and looking for help. The reply:
“Don’t you worry none you just fly heading XXX and I will have you over to Palmer in a jiffy.”
David G.
I had a similar situation on a flight which was the first time I flew to Grand Cayman from Miami. After I called the island in sight, the controllers asked if I had the airport in sight. I told him I did not as I was new to the islands. He replied no problem do you see the cruise ships off shore. I replied those in sight, so he told me just fly to the cruise ships and turn left, you’ll be on final for the runway.
Matt W.
The Engine-Out Glide
I credit my successful engine out off-airport landing to my glider rating. Once I exhausted all attempts to get the engine going again, my brain went into glider mode. Things like selecting multiple field candidates and scanning for livestock all came into play. Another glider fundamental was speeding up to land and bleeding off airspeed just above the landing zone also came into play. I strongly recommend that all pilots get some glider training. Your energy management skills will go way up.
Robert T.
Coming in for landing at an unfamiliar airport you should note what your engine-out options will be after gassing up and departing. Left or right? At a known airport you should be intimately familiar with best options according to altitude on climbout. Finally, remember that there’s always a point on the earth you can glide to, regardless of altitude; it’s under you. When practicing engine-outs, start your scan for landing locations as close to your side of the plane and range out.
David A.
Poll: Should The Reno Air Races Continue Somewhere Else?
- The Unlimiteds and jet classes are topped out – the former by aerodynamics and money, the latter by the FAA. The Sport class and Formula One – the only classes that offer real opportunities to innovate and "push the envelope" haven't excited sufficient public interest to "carry" national air races – ditto STOL Drag. I'm afraid the Air Races have run their course [pun intended].
- I hope so, but Reno will be difficult to replace. Any new venue would require a nearby medium to large city with significant hospitality capacity and other attractions. I hope they find somewhere that can meet these necessary requirements.
- Does not promote aviation to a safety minded demographic - only those looking for crashes. It is NASCAR in the air and has outlived its cultural relativity. Air racing is the worst of our aviation world and contributions from it to the general flying public have slowed to a nearly imperceptible level. It will continue somewhere, but it does not provide value to the general aviation public.
- Stead is iconic and hospitable. The venue is small for jets, and mockups of cityscapes is de rigeur for UAM (if and when). MAIN ISSUE: We need more NAR events!!!
- No. Noise and Danger are immaterial. It's bad for the image of General Aviation. It buys into the moronic Top Gun nonsense and thereby only supports the weakest of egos and presents that to the public. Let's grow up and enjoy aviation activities that are safety based and don't depend on titillation.
- Keep it in Reno!
- Doesn't impact me either way.
- Their day has come and gone. Move on.
- It appears that the safety of the races has deteriorated over the last few years. If that can be restored and a safer venue can be found, yes. If the safety factors can NOT be corrected, NO!
- They should continue at RENO! If not there, then elsewhere I suppose. Can't have the event die.
- Only if they stop wrecking irreplaceable warbirds.
- Stay at Reno.
- Too many potential negatives from accidents to warrant resurrection of the sport. It’s a super niche event and growing more so every year.
- Yes, if you can get the admission price down.
- Their time is over.
- Meh. If they don't make money for the organizers and aren't good advertising investments for the sponsors, then let them go the way of the dodo bird.
- Turn it into an airshow with EAA.
- It is iconic to have it there and as long as builders and racers continue to be interested it should happen.
- Too dangerous and what do they do for aviation?
- No. It is a game for the rich.
- It would be tragic if air racing is replaced by "STOL drags" which = tractor pulls = novelty = BORING.
- Today’s generation not interested unless they are electric.
- Would they still be called the Reno Air Races?