Short Final
An Air New Zealand DC-10 en route from Auckland to Honolulu was about to pass the southbound company flight in the early morning hours, and its crew was chatting with another flight on the inter-plane frequency. In short order, a Qantas aircraft joined the conversation. A bit later, a USAF MAC aircraft called in as the fourth. … MAC: “Aahh, say, New Zeland 6: What type of aircraft are you?” … NZ6 First Officer: “Stand by. I’ll ask the flight engineer.” … [After a suitable pause.] … “Aahh, DC-10” … Deafening silence from the MAC. — Gary Wright, via e-mail
An Air New Zealand DC-10 en route from Auckland to Honolulu was about to pass the southbound company flight in the early morning hours, and its crew was chatting with another flight on the inter-plane frequency. In short order, a Qantas aircraft joined the conversation. A bit later, a USAF MAC aircraft called in as the fourth.
"Aahh, say, New Zeland 6: What type of aircraft are you?"
NZ6 First Officer:
"Stand by. I'll ask the flight engineer."
[After a suitable pause.]
"Aahh, DC-10"
Deafening silence from the MAC.
Gary Wright
via e-mail
Editorial StaffAVweb
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