Blue Mountain Also Steps In
Blue Mountain Avionics, of Copperhill, Tenn., has posted an offer on its Web site to give Oshkosh show-special pricing on its EFIS/One units to all Direct To Avionics customers who lost money. “Our condolences to everyone who lost a deposit on a Chelton EFIS when DirectTo Avionics went bust,” it says at their Web site. “Hope this helps a bit.” The company joins OP Technologies, which also made an offer last week to help ease the pain.

Blue Mountain Avionics, of Copperhill, Tenn., has posted an offer on its Web site to give Oshkosh show-special pricing on its EFIS/One units to all Direct To Avionics customers who lost money. "Our condolences to everyone who lost a deposit on a Chelton EFIS when DirectTo Avionics went bust," it says at their Web site. "Hope this helps a bit." The company joins OP Technologies, which also made an offer last week to help ease the pain. And, of course, both of these altruistic companies just may gain themselves a few new customers while easing the pain of the innocent.
Editorial StaffAVweb
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