GPS 496 Good On The Details
While the GPSMAP 496 we reported on Thursday was already old news by the conference, seeing it in action was cool. The new SafeTaxi system places the symbolic aircraft on high-resolution airport diagrams for over 600 airports. Smart Airspace automatically highlights airspace when the pilot might fly through it and automatically deemphasizes it when the airplane will pass above or below it. The map resolution is 11 times greater, making for stunning topographic and terrain-warning images and the update rate is now five hertz — practically matching the performance of the real instruments in the airplane. AOPA’s airport directory also coming preinstalled. … And did we mention we’re giving one 496 away at our booth?
While the GPSMAP 496 we reported on Thursday was already old news by the conference, seeing it in action was cool. The new SafeTaxi system places the symbolic aircraft on high-resolution airport diagrams for over 600 airports. Smart Airspace automatically highlights airspace when the pilot might fly through it and automatically deemphasizes it when the airplane will pass above or below it. The map resolution is 11 times greater, making for stunning topographic and terrain-warning images and the update rate is now five hertz -- practically matching the performance of the real instruments in the airplane. AOPA's airport directory also coming preinstalled. ... Did we mention we're giving one 496 away at our booth?
Editorial StaffAVweb
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