NTSB Issues Weather Warning…
Not enough pilots are talking about the weather and the NTSB wants the FAA to do something about it. The NTSB issued a series of recommendations to the agency on Tuesday aimed at clearing up what it apparently believes is our foggy knowledge of weather. It wants greater emphasis on weather in the written exam, including the requirement that a specific number of weather questions be answered correctly in order to pass. And it wants weather training to be ongoing on several fronts. Specifically, the NTSB wants the FAA to make the gathering, assessment and decision-making skills regarding weather to be part of the biennial flight review for pilots who don’t take weather-related recurrent training within the two years.
Wants Better Recurrency Training
Not enough pilots are talking about the weather and the NTSB wants the FAA to do something about it. The NTSB issued a series of recommendations to the agency on Tuesday aimed at clearing up what it apparently believes is our foggy knowledge of weather. It wants greater emphasis on weather in the written exam, including the requirement that a specific number of weather questions be answered correctly in order to pass. And it wants weather training to be ongoing on several fronts. Specifically, the NTSB wants the FAA to make the gathering, assessment and decision-making skills regarding weather to be part of the biennial flight review for pilots who don't take weather-related recurrent training within the two years. It also wants basic instrument maneuvers to be covered in the flight review for pilots not receiving recurrent instrument training. The NTSB also recommends that weather briefings be improved and that FAA information sheets be updated to show pilots how to get weather information from the Internet or via satellite. Also included in the package was a recommendation that the FAA set up a system to track pilots who may be at greater risk for an accident and develop a program to reduce those risks.