The COVID-19 pandemic has hit aviation and especially the airline industry hard. The major layoffs appear to be yet ahead. Here, pilot Erika Jackman sings a plaintive song about what we all hope will be. Why not click over to her channel and wish her the best?


  1. Playing this in the evening… lovely. Also imagining a few privatized airports going to the wall and thinking about silver linings 🙂

  2. Very nice. Viet Nam and a few recessions and 9-11 fouled up my aviation career but I was “the lucky one” to retire before Covid. Best wishes to all those struggling with the fallout.

  3. Imagine if we had shut down the airlines when we should have. All the lives, resources, and jobs that could have been saved.

    Think about the reasons (fears) that kept that from being done, and how insignificant those consequences seem now. Would we be looking at more or less furloughs? More or less government checks?

  4. “Imagine if we had shut down the airlines when we should have. All the lives, resources, and jobs that could have been saved. Think about the reasons (fears) that kept that from being done, and how insignificant those consequences seem now.”…Eric W

    “Imagine there’s no virus?…. That is what we did for months!”…Kim H

    Well said!

    Kudo’s to pilot Erika Jackman for a thoughtful, well done song. Lot’s of fallout ahead for everyone because so many still seem to “Imagine, there’s no virus”.