Best Of The Web: Plane Magic Over Ottawa


Today is Canada Day and this year is also the 100th Anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force. To mark those occasions, the RCAF will fly 45 current and historic aircraft over the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa and the Snowbirds will be joined by the Italian Frecce Tricolori in an 18-plane formation demonstration. The rehearsal of the demo teams last week was captured nicely by tmcbphoto. Both teams will be at Airventure later this month.


  1. I was fortunate enough to have these formations fly near my boat in the West Niagara River last week near Niagara Falls. I was also overflown by a B 29 just prior to this show. Fantastic, Congratulations RCAF, Happy Canada Day ! TC

  2. Outstanding precision. Both teams are very, very good. Enjoyed watching them practice. Happy 100th, RCAF.