King Schools Goes Mobile
A new free app from King Schools makes it easy for users to transfer their content to a variety of electronic devices, John King told AVweb in an interview at AOPA Summit in Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday. “You can now be in an airliner and put on your earphones and take a course on your iPad or other device, and you don’t have to be connected to the Internet,” John King said. Martha King said the school also has created a new flight instructor refresher course especially for helicopter instructors that is ready to go, but it awaits official approval from a now shut-down FAA office.

A new free app from King Schools makes it easy for users to transfer their content to a variety of electronic devices, John King told AVweb in an interview at AOPA Summit in Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday. "You can now be in an airliner and put on your earphones and take a course on your iPad or other device, and you don't have to be connected to the Internet," John King said. Martha King said the school also has created a new flight instructor refresher course especially for helicopter instructors that is ready to go, but it awaits official approval from a now shut-down FAA office.
John King added that his approach to the FIRC is different from others that focus on reviewing the basic private-pilot content, instead providing tools for instructors to meet the various challenges they face when dealing with students. The Kings also have a new sweepstakes now running, with a mentoring theme. "We want to encourage mentoring by everyone in aviation," Martha King said.