Poll: Has Smoke From Forest Fires Impacted Your Flying?


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  1. The fires in Canada have been going for months. The smoke has been impacting the U.S. for nearly the same period–but it’s only when the smoke gets to NEW YORK CITY that the news media panics! Note to complainers–New York is NOT the “center of the world.”

  2. Dead right Jim
    New Yorkers need to realize that Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra (Australia) are the centre of the world, with Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth somewhat more satisfied to be the centre of their own worlds. It’s obvious by the pure delusional directions our elected leaders are taking us, ie flat out over the cliff at the edge of the hill of national self reliance and capability in a headlong pursuit of a utopian carbonless socialist society. Not all that different to some of what I read about the US except I think you guys have a few more who have their feet on the ground outside of mega metro areas.

  3. Absolutely miserable even if just legal VFR last week in the Northeast US….low vis IFR made it great for training of clients at the same time. No foggles needed for an entire IMC trip! Just like flying inside a milk bottle.

  4. My first actual IFR flight after getting my rating was due to smoke between Fairbanks and Anchorage. I’ve had flights impacted many times all over the western US as well as suffering through prolonged periods of smoke filled air at my home in western CO. Nice to see the east coast get to experience it

    • Hear! Hear!
      In years previous, we weren’t important enough to be noticed. Easterners make it sounds like the world was ending while it is a near annual thing out west (but to them, we don’t exist).

  5. My flying has been impacted by smoke from wildfires in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California and over the past 20 years it has been getting worse. On several occasions the smoke was coming from hundreds of miles away and producing IFR conditions. Smoke can really impact visibility at dawn or dusk when the sun is low in the sky. Like fog, it can be tricky because you can see down through it but forward visibility goes to zero when you are in it. In the Texas fires, it was IFR from the surface to 10,000′ MSL.

  6. I just did my BFR. Even a local flight around the Chicago area VFR was dicey. They say it’s going to the east coast, but it sure was here too.

  7. This may have been prompted by the recent fires in Canada, but I’m on the west coast, so mainly talking CA, OR, WA. The forest fire “seasons” have been horrible for about the last three years. Summer recreational flights that might have been taken, were not. This is not just because of the smoke, but also due to the restrictive TFR’s and the fact that the fires were frequently burning in areas you wanted to visit. The plane stayed in the hangar way too many times.