Home/Polls & QuizzesPolls & QuizzesPoll: What Do You Think of the Unexplained Drone Swarms?Editorial StaffUpdated Jan 5, 2020 7:20 AM ESTShare this storyWhat Do You Think of the Unexplained Drone Swarms?I think people have a right to know what's going on.Leave them alone. Who cares?I'd like to know if they need and have night waivers.I have no opinion.SubmitShare this storyEditorial StaffAVwebRelated StoriesPolls & QuizzesPoll: Is Pilot Discipline Too Lax?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Ever Been Distracted By A Non-Aviation Device?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Do You Check NOTAMs?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Is Armchair Accident Analysis Out Of Hand?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: How’s Internet At Your Airport?Editorial StaffPolls & QuizzesPoll: Has Weather Limited Your Flying This Year?Editorial Staff