Picture of the Week

“Stiff competition” is the order of the day in our latest installmentof “Picture of the Week.” Not only do the number ofcontributions continue to rise as we enter fall here in the U.S., butthe quality of photos seems to be on the rise, as well. Notthat quality has ever been a problem when it comes to picking “POTW”contenders, but the last few weeks have been chock-full of great-lookingphotos that we simply couldn’t find a way to squeeze in. Restassured, we’ve saved plenty of them to our hard drives and turned theminto lovely wallpapers – sokeep sending ’em!Even those that don’t make it into our weekly round-up are ogled andappreciated by the AVwebbers who go through ’em. Robbie Culver of Waukegan is afamiliar name at “POTW” headquarters. Robbie’s signature has shownup on several contenders over the last year or so (most notably lastweek), but he’s never sent us the right photo on the right week to winone of our coveted “Picture of the Week” AVweb hats. This week,circumstance and an awesome photo come together to push Robbie’slatest submission to the top of our pile. Congrats, Mr. Culver -it’s always fun to see your name on the back of our photo submissions,and it’s about time you won an AVweb hat. You’ve earned it!

"Stiff competition" is the order of the day in our latest installment of "Picture of the Week."  Not only do the number of contributions continue to rise as we enter fall here in the U.S., but the quality of photos seems to be on the rise, as well.  Not that quality has ever been a problem when it comes to picking "POTW" contenders, but the last few weeks have been chock-full of great-looking photos that we simply couldn't find a way to squeeze in.  Rest assured, we've saved plenty of them to our hard drives and turned them into lovely wallpapers - sokeep sending 'em!  Even those that don't make it into our weekly round-up are ogled and appreciated by the AVwebbers who go through 'em.


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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

Helicopter Exit

Robbie Culver of Waukegan, Illinois is a familiar name at "POTW" headquarters.  Robbie's signature has shown up on several contenders over the last year or so (most notably last week), but he's never sent us the right photo on the right week to win one of our coveted "Picture of the Week" AVweb hats.  This week, circumstance and an awesome photo come together to push Robbie's latest submission to the top of our pile.

Congrats, Mr. Culver - it's always fun to see your name on the back of our photo submissions, and it's about time you won an AVweb hat.  You've earned it!

(Oh, that's Brenda Culver and Kevin Hultsch jumping out of a Bell 422 helicopter in the photo.)

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

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copyright Robbie Culver
Used with permission

AVweb continues to receive a large number of excellent images for our POTW contest. Here are some of the runners-up.  Due to privacy issues, AVweb does not publish e-mail addresses of readers who submit photos.

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

A Lake Above Misty Fjord, Alaska

Paul Tipton of Belton, Texas flew into Misty Fjord in Alaska with pilot Ryan McCue.

We're not sure who built the fire or pitched the tent, but we think we'd like an invite the next time, Paul - looks like a lot of fun.

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission

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copyright Paul Tipton
Used with permission


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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

Someone's Treasured "Pot of Gold" at the End of the Rainbow

Ken Price of Muskegon, Michigan snapped several shots of this incredible rainbow last week.  "So bright it almost hurt my eyes," writes Ken - and the photos came out great.  We had a hard time choosing just one, but we finally settled on this one, which seemed to capture the spirit of "POTW" best.

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price

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Used with permission of Ken Price


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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

Skytypers at Sunset

Mark Silvestri of Upton, Massachusetts writes:

This picture was taken Friday night, September 8, 2006 at the Oceana NAS, VA air show. The planes look like regular T-6 Texans but are different. They are actually SNJ-2s. The SNJ-2 is the only model with the enlarged 180-gallon fuel tank, allowing the skytypers to operate for over four hours, skytyping messages throughout the day.


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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri

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Used with permission of Mark Silvestri


click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman


Larry Portman of Garland, Texas rented a C-206 with the intention of landing at this - um, somewhat intimidating-looking airstrip on Milford Sound, New Zealand.  Weather let Larry and crew off the hook - "we were advised that the winds were too dangerous," he writes, and "we had to settle for this view from 2,500' instead!"

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman

click for a larger version

Used with permission of Larry Portman


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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

Short Final

Iain Indian of Oak Park, Victoria (Australia) snapped this from the radar tower near Melbourne International Airport.  (The muted colors look great in the large-size version.)

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian

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Used with permission of Iain Indian


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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

Pre-Flight Check

Scott Porter of Prestonsburg, Kentucky flies us out this week.

Thanks, Scott - and everyone else who took time to submit this week!  We'll see you all next Thursday for more great airplane pictures.

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

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Used with permission of Scott Porter

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.