Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

… And we’re back! AirVenture Oshkosh was a blast, but if there’s one thing that can take the edge off coming home from our favorite trip of the year, it’s finding photos like today’s “Picture of the Week” waiting in our submission box. Ryan Grantonic of Dayton, Ohio has been a regularly submitter this year, but this simple, elegant shot is the one that put him into our top slot.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

The Super Bug

... And we're back! AirVenture Oshkosh was a blast, but if there's one thing that can take the edge off coming home from our favorite trip of the year, it's finding photos like today's "Picture of the Week" waiting in our submission box.

Ryan Grantonic of Dayton, Ohio has been a regularly submitter this year, but this simple, elegant shot is the one that put him into our top slot.

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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copyright Ryan Grantonic
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

Tired 150

Isaac Adler of Kalamazoo, Michigan is another contributor we've come to watch for this year - and we'll have a nice complement to this overworked panel from Donald Laffranchi in this week's slideshow, so watch for it, too. ;)

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Isaac Adler

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

"Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil - For I Am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing"

"I love flying!" declared Shawna Nelson of Marysville, Washington in the comments section of this submission. She snapped the photo while "flying wtih my uncle in his Alpha Jet" - which only serves to remind us that our uncle doesn't have any jets!

Wait - we're not talking about our common Uncle Sam, are we, Shawna?

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of Shawna Nelson

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

Marvin Mainliner

We admit it: We're starting to miss having all those DC-3s parked a quick stroll away from the mobile office at Oshkosh. So we selected this cleverly color-manipulated shot from William Morgan of Seattle, Washington to recreate the experience here in the home office.


Yeah, it's a nice photo - but somehow it's just not the same.

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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Used with permission of William Morgan

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

New Hope on Mobile Bay (Alabama)

It's a lovely photo to sign off with, that's for sure - one made even more lovely, we're told, by the fact it was snapped July 15, "the first day the oil flow [from Deepwater Horizon] was stopped since April."

Submitter Charles Capaldi of Grand Bay, Alabama also wrote, "We hope the oil is cleaned up so we can enjoy this plane to the fullest. (By the way, it's a CGS Hawk Arrow 2 on puddle-jumper floats.)"

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

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copyright Charles Capaldi
Used with permission

We'll have more brand-new reader photos for you in the slideshow on AVweb's home page Thursday morning. Don't miss 'em!


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.