Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Christian Mogensen of Rochester, Minnesota helps send 2009 soaring off into the horizon with a photo that both reminds us of the past – AirVenture was fun, wasn’t it? – and looks toward the future – OSH2010 will be here before you know it! Click through for our usual year-end reflections and notes.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


The end of the year has come 'round all too quickly yet again - and that means we have two very important tasks to cover in today's installment of "Picture of the Week."

First (and most important), we want to give a hearty thank you to everyone who made time in their busy schedules to submit a photo this year. The few of you whom we've spoken with directly can attest that we often get slammed up with mail and rarely have time to chat about submissions. But that should never be taken as an indication that we don't appreciate your time. We've seen truly amazing photos as part of our "POTW" duties, and if we were blessed with infinite time and money, nothing would make us happier than buying each of you a cup of coffee and asking about your photos.

Second, we've come to really enjoy taking inventory at this time of year. Overall, submissions were down from 2008; we received only just over 3,300 contest entries this year. On the other hand, file sizes were up considerably. Our submission archive for 2008 was around 800MB in size, while this year's photo archive tops out at a little over 2GB. And despite the dip in submissions, we shared 913 photos on AVweb this year, 41 more than we managed to squeeze in during '08.

So there you have it: You are awesome, and never moreso than when you're sending us pictures. So, by all means, keep it up as we head into 2010!

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

F-15 at OSH 2009

Christian Mogensen of Rochester, Minnesota helps send 2009 soaring off into the horizon with a photo that both reminds us of the past - AirVenture was fun, wasn't it? - and looks toward the future - OSH2010 will be here before you know it!

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Christian Mogensen
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

Edinburgh Gate Guard & Control Tower

Ronald Bell of Livingston, Scotland (UK) mixes the weather, an airport tower, and the shell of an old warbird at Edingburgh Airport.

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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copyright Ronald Bell
Used with permission

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

It Can Be Lonely in the West (Reno/Stead KRTS)

Don't go getting all excited for AirVenture just yet! James L. Hamilton III of Sparks, Nevada is here to remind us there's a lot of winter left to plow through.

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of
James L. Hamilton III

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

Longranger at Rest

If editing "POTW" has taught us nothing else, we will always remember this lesson: New Zealand is the second-best place in the world to live if you like airplanes. (The first is wherever "AVweb" World Headquarters happens to be situated at the moment, of course!)

Barry Hudson of Rolleston, Canterbury (New Zealand, natch!) proves it yet again, this time at the Garden City Helicopters Base at Christchurch International Airport.

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Barry Hudson

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

Texas Sunset

Aaron Dabney of Hewitt, Texas supplies our final fly-out of the year - and our new desktop wallpaper, too!

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

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Used with permission of Aaron Dabney

By now you know to look for more reader-submitted photos in the slideshow on AVweb's home page. So what are you waiting for? Click on over there. Unless you really like reading copyright notices and credits and such.


A quick note for submitters: If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights:
Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult the POTW Rules or or send us an e-mail.