Picture of the Week: AVweb’s Flying Photography Showcase

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” Barely two weeks to go until AirVenture, and the stream of reader-submitted photos in our “Picture of the Week” contest has slowed to a trickle. Fortunately for us, the lighter number of submissions doesn’t seem to have any effect on quality. With only 60 photos in this week’s contest, we still had a hard time picking five to showcase here – but what better way to celebrate the air show month of July than a whooshing, action-packed low fly-over by the Blue Angels, courtesy of W. Ross Tracey of Niantic, Connecticut?

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week." Want to see your photo on AVweb.com? Click here to submit it to our weekly contest.


Barely two weeks to go until AirVenture, and the streamof reader-submitted photos in our "Picture of the Week" contest hasslowed to a trickle. Fortunately for us, the lighter number ofsubmissions doesn't seem to have any effect on quality. With only60 photos in this week's contest, we still had a hard time picking fiveto showcase here.

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

Blue Angel Sneak Pass

What better way to celebrate the air show month of July than awhooshing, action-packed low fly-over by the Blue Angels, courtesy ofW. Ross Tracey of Niantic,Connecticut?

Ross writes, "This picture was taken during a pre-show-day Blue Angelsrehearsal. A thunderstorm had just passed through, leaving a lotof moisture on the ground and in the air. One of the Blue Angelssolos flew down the runway, just subsonic, trying to surprise the crowd.I caught this picture of the aircraft and surrounding pressure wave,which was also pulling water off the wet runway."

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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Used with permission of W. Ross Tracey

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

Helishi Taxi

Frank Richardson of Birmingham,Alabama serves up one of the coolest (er, no pun intended) chopperphotos we've seen in our inbox lately. Frank describes the trip asan "awesome experience," and we won't call him out on the assessment -it definitely produced an awesome photo.

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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copyright Frank Richardson
Used with permission

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

Exotic Homebuilt

No, it isn't a UFO.

Well, technically it was to us, since we didn't know what the heck itwas - but according to Gary L. Jonesof Clovis, New Mexico, this is an "electric-powered model airplane withelevons, rudder, and throttle control."

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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Used with permission of Gary L. Jones

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

Let the Show Begin

Here's a little treat for our stateside readers (and U.S. citizens abroad) who didn't get a fireworks display on the Fourth - from "POTW" regular Daniel Valovich of Hot Springs, Arkansas.

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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copyright Daniel Valovich
Used with permission

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

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Used with permission of John Rees

Waco Reunion

John Rees of Blacklick, Ohio wrapsup this week's "POTW" with a panorama from the recent Waco Reunion atWyncoop Airport in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Naturally, you'll only beginto get a sense of the scope here if you check out thefull-sizeversion.

Remember: You'll find more reader-submitted photos inthe "POTW" slideshow on AVweb's home page.


To enter next week's contest,click here.

A quick note for submitters: If you've got severalphotos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submitthem one-a-week! That gives your photos a greater chance of seeingprint on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier onus, too. ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider thesource of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest.If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeedauthorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain,consult thePOTWRules orsend us an e-mail.