Picture of the Week

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings. The top photos are featured on AVweb’s home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our “Picture of the Week.” There’s an extra hour of daylight at POTW headquarters this week, thanks to the changes in U.S. Daylight Saving Time. Good thing, too – we’re getting enough photos that we can use the extra hour! Enrique Morales of Tegucigalpa (Honduras) captured an American Airlines pilot “successfully land[ing] the largest aircraft capable of land[ing] here” on a rather tight-looking short final.

Each week, we go through dozens (and sometimes hundreds) of reader-submitted photos and pick the very best to share with you on Thursday mornings.  The top photos are featured on AVweb's home page, and one photo that stands above the others is awarded an AVweb baseball cap as our "Picture of the Week."


There's an extra hour of daylight at POTW headquarters this week, thanks to the changes in U.S. Daylight Saving Time.  Good thing, too - we're getting enough photos that we can use the extra hour!

Submit your own photos! Send them to us using this form, you could find yourself the subject of next week's water-cooler talk.

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

Big Iron on Short Final

You've got to see this one atfull-size.

Enrique Morales of Tegucigalpa (Honduras) photographed this pilot "successfully land[ing] the largest aircraft capable of land[ing] here" on a rather tight-looking short final.  (Note the contrails in the large version, and how close the photographer appears to be standing to the edge of the runway.)

Great shot, Enrique - your AVweb hat is in the mail!

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission

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copyright Enrique Morales
Used with permission


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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

Boss's Day at the 916th Air Refueling Station

Chris Lucas of New Bern, North Carolina writes, "What a great way for a reservist to get points with his/her employer!"  Not that we hold as much sway as your boss, Chris - but it earns you points with AVweb, too.

Photographers on refueling jobs tend to stay a bit too busy to grab their cameras and snap away, but we love seeing these photos show up in our submission box.

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas

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Used with permission of Chris Lucas


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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

Arrow at Monument Valley

Werner Spier of El Paso, Texas treats us to some gorgeous scenery this week, from Golding's Trading Post Air Strip in Utah, "just north of the Arizona border."

Reminds us of our friend Jim Clark and his remote-flyingadventures ... .

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier

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Used with permission of Werner Spier


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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

Stealth Fighter at EAA Oshkosh '06

Honestly, how could we not run this one? Vincent Murrah of Maryland Heights, Missouri writes:

As my buddy and I walked past a roped-off pad, I stopped and said, "Hey!  There's an F-117!"  So I asked a passerby to take our photo with it.  Not too many people noticed it sitting there.  Ro bumped his head walking up to it but wasn't injured.  Of course, I have a "special" setting on my camera ... .

I love AVweb and especially POTW.  Keep up the great work!

Far-fetched.  Maybe.

But AirVenture '06 was the same show where we laid eyes on the supremely stealthy (and kinda weird-lookin')F-22 ... .

But wait - there's more!  Visit AVweb's home page for more brand-new reader-submitted photos in our "POTW" slideshow!

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

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Used with permission of Vincent Murrah

To enter next week's contest, click here.

A quick note for submitters:  If you've got several photos that you feel are "POTW" material, your best bet is to submit them one-a-week!  That gives your photos a greater chance of seeing print on AVweb, and it makes the selection process a little easier on us, too.  ;)

A Reminder About Copyrights: Please take a moment to consider the source of your image before submitting to our "Picture of the Week" contest. If you did not take the photo yourself, ask yourself if you are indeed authorized to release publication rights to AVweb. If you're uncertain, consult thePOTW Rules orsend us an e-mail.