AirVenture 2023: Aithre’s Headset Biometric Sensor

Aithre Aviation has been cranking out a wide variety of products sharply focused on cockpit health monitoring, and it came to AirVenture 2023 with a new Bluetooth multifunction sensor that…

Aithre Aviation has been cranking out a wide variety of products sharply focused on cockpit health monitoring, and it came to AirVenture 2023 with a new Bluetooth multifunction sensor that attaches to the headset for full-time biometric monitoring. Aviation Consumer Editor Larry Anglisano took a look at the Illyrian II with Aithre's Dr. James Runnels.

Larry Anglisano is a regular AVweb contributor and the Editor in Chief of sister publication Aviation Consumer magazine. He's an active land, sea and glider pilot, and has over 30 years experience as an avionics tech.