First Citation Longitude Registered In Mexico Delivered
Textron Aviation announced on Thursday that it has delivered the first Cessna Citation Longitude business jet to be registered in Mexico. The aircraft went to an undisclosed customer who plans…

Image: Textron Aviation
Textron Aviation announced on Thursday that it has delivered the first Cessna Citation Longitude business jet to be registered in Mexico. The aircraft went to an undisclosed customer who plans to use it for business travel in North America. The Longitude, which earned its FAA type certificate in September 2019, received certification from Mexico’s Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil (Federal Civil Aviation Agency/AFAC) last year.
“The Citation Longitude’s performance, efficiency and unrivaled cabin experience make it the perfect aircraft for passengers and pilots alike, and we are pleased to deliver this for our customers in Mexico,” said Lannie O’Bannion, Textron Aviation senior vice president of global sales and flight operations. “We’re grateful for the owners and operators who continue to choose Citation business jets for their business and personal travel, and to the extraordinary Textron Aviation workforce that designs, builds and maintains our legendary lineup of aircraft.”
As previously reported by AVweb, Textron produced its 100th Cessna Citation Longitude in May this year. The Honeywell HTF7700L-powered “super-midsize” business jet has a top cruise speed of 483 knots, range of 3,500 NM and full-fuel payload of 1,600 pounds. Equipped with Garmin G5000 avionics, if offers features including integrated autopilot, autothrottles and emergency descent mode (EDM).