Drone Downing Ukrainian Piston Planes Annoying Russians

The ever-resourceful Ukrainians have found another use for the homegrown Aeroprakt A-22 (sold as the Foxbat LSA in the U.S.) and it’s really annoying the Russians. After a few months…

The ever-resourceful Ukrainians have found another use for the homegrown Aeroprakt A-22 (sold as the Foxbat LSA in the U.S.) and it's really annoying the Russians. After a few months of success with Air Force pilots and rear gunners with shotguns taking out Russian drones in a Yak-52, the military is now training pilots and gunners to use the rag-and-tube A-22 to do the same. Previously the LSAs have been used as single-use flying bombs and have taken out some high-value targets. According to Forbes, Russian bloggers say it's time to do something about the new role and its inspiration.

“The Yak-52 flew over Odessa and with high efficiency shot down our reconnaissance UAVs for a week, causing laughter in some circles,” Forbes quoted a translation of the blogs as saying. “This has not been funny to UAV operators and us for a long time.” What, exactly, the Russians might do to counteract the low-and-slow platforms wasn't discussed on the blog. The Yak has reportedly taken out 12 drones that cost about $100,000 each.

Russ Niles is Editor-in-Chief of AVweb. He has been a pilot for 30 years and joined AVweb 22 years ago. He and his wife Marni live in southern British Columbia where they also operate a small winery.