FAA Recommends Adding AoA To All Airplanes
Angle of attack indicators are more reliable at warning of an impending stall.

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A prominent proponent of angle of attack (AoA) indicators is applauding the FAA for recommending they be installed in all airplanes. The agency published a special airworthiness information bulletin (SAIB) recommending AoA systems be installed as standard equipment in new airplanes and retrofitted in the existing fleet. The full document is reprinted below. "Outstanding step forward by the FAA, recognizing the importance of AoA systems in keeping the pilot better informed on where the wing is operating relative to the stall," said Paul Dye, a serial homebuilder and former NASA Flight Director who has been promoting the tech for years. "Increasing the use of AoA systems—and training pilots to use them —will never prevent all accidents. But it is a definite step in the direction of reducing the number of loss of control mishaps."
"AoA offers an extra level of awareness for pilots that they are operating near the stall. Airspeed is not a reliable indicator," Dye said. "The AoA for stall is always the same, whereas the airspeed for stall varies with G-load, so that the ASI is 'the gauge that lies' when the aircraft is in a turn or other maneuver where there is more than one 'G' of loading on the wing." The SAIB notes that flight deck displays of AoA indicators vary widely, making training a challenge. "This poses the question of whether AOA presentation in the flight deck should be standardized," the SAIB says. "Whether AOA displays should be standardized and to what standard remain open questions."
In the video below, Dye demonstrates "flying AoA" and discusses its benefits.