JetBlue To Require Passenger Face Masks (UPDATED)
As social distancing and personal protection become the norms, it’s not been unusual to see airline personnel wearing face masks, but now you can expect to don one yourself if…

As social distancing and personal protection become the norms, it’s not been unusual to see airline personnel wearing face masks, but now you can expect to don one yourself if you’re flying JetBlue. The airline announced this week that it will make face mask use mandatory for passengers starting May 4. (UPDATE: Frontier Airlines announced on April 30 that it would, similarly, require passenger face masks as of May 8.)
The word from JetBlue’s president Joanna Geraghty: “Wearing a face covering isn’t about protecting yourself, it’s about protecting those around you. This is the new flying etiquette. Onboard, cabin air is well circulated and cleaned through filters every few minutes but this is a shared space where we have to be considerate of others. We are also asking our customers to follow these CDC guidelines in the airport as well.” Moreover, "JetBlue has limited the number of seats available for sale on most flights, allowing the airline to provide additional space between individuals who are not traveling together," the company said in a statement. "Before each flight, JetBlue reviews seat assignments to ensure as much personal space as possible. In addition, rows near crewmember jump seats have been blocked off to create buffer zones for added crewmember and customer safety."
“We want our passengers to feel comfortable when flying with us by protecting themselves and their fellow travelers as we all navigate the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Barry Biffle, CEO of Frontier Airlines. “This new measure is aligned with CDC recommendations and those of many municipalities within the U.S. that include wearing a face covering when out in public.”
American will require its employees to wear face masks starting next month, and will reportedly offer sanitizing wipes and masks to passengers as well. Delta has started requiring its flight attendants to wear masks as of today through at least June 30. United, JetBlue and Frontier have also mandated employee mask use. And while the FAA has stopped short of requiring face coverings for flight crews, it has updated a Safety Alert for Operators to recommend crews follow their carrier’s COVID-19 protocols. At least one airline has specifically approved face masks for flight crews “at their discretion without limitation” as long as doing so does not “interfere with normal flight deck communications or use of the oxygen mask and smoke goggles, when use of those items are required.”