Patty Wagstaff Stars In Recently Released Apple Vision App


Sporty’s Pilot Shop recently released its Aerobatics with Patty Wagstaff app optimized for the Apple Vision Pro virtual reality device. Sporty’s says the app offers pilots and aviation enthusiasts a “safe and engaging pathway to experience the complexities of aerobatic flight maneuvers through immersive 360-degree video.”

The app enables users to virtually experience what it would be like to sit in the cockpit with Wagstaff through loops, rolls and spins. Sporty’s said, “This virtual capability brings dynamic aerial maneuvers to life, allowing pilots to learn from a safe, secure location. Beyond the basic maneuvers, the app includes a full airshow routine, performed by Wagstaff, allowing users to experience the proper sequence of competition aerobatic flying.”

Of course, the physical experience of pulling positive and negative G-forces is missing from the experience. But experiencing the sight picture and being able to practice maneuvers in safety can provide solid background for later aerobatic training, as well as a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience.

Sporty’s President John Zimmerman said, “We’re optimistic that the Apple Vision Pro will continue offering capabilities that could significantly enhance both flight training and flying experiences.” Apple Vision Pro customers can download the app for free from the App Store.

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Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.


  1. I’m of the wrong generation for this toy, but I find that such dynamic visual changes, without the corresponding proprioceptor inputs, is far more likely to induce airsickness. But perhaps the kids who grew up on video RPGs might have a different brain wiring. Which would explain a lot of other things …

    • I don’t think it’s a matter of “kids have screwed up their brain wiring with video games”, but rather just a natural variation in that sense–just like variation in vision, hearing, coordination, etc. Some people are just naturally far less susceptible to motion sickness and can do things (like read a book in a moving car without a care in the world) that would quickly make other people puke.

      I’m in the former group–fixed flight simulators have never presented a problem to me, I don’t get seasick, can read in a car with no trouble, etc. and the only time I’ve felt queasy from motion has been after lots of aerobatics on a warm day. But on the flip side of that it is almost impossible for me to tell by feel if I’m in coordinated flight.

  2. Cool. How about an app that simulates being arrested, bonded out and giving a apology? Lol.

  3. “… to experience the complexities of aerobatic flight maneuvers”

    You cannot get the feeling of aerobatic flight this way; hell, you can’t even fell normal GA light plave flying from a silly video. Life is ANALOG, not digital. Get outside and smell the AvGas and the +/- G loads. THEN you can experience precision aerobatic flying.