Q3 2022 GA Aircraft Shipments Up Across All Segments


General aviation aircraft shipments rose across all segments through the third quarter (Q3) of 2022, according to the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA). In its quarterly General Aviation Aircraft Shipment and Billing Report (PDF), GAMA stated that total airplane shipments through Q3 2022 rose 6.7 percent and total rotorcraft shipments increased 6.3 percent compared to the same period last year. Total airplane billings rose 4.8 percent to $14.1 billion and total helicopter billings went up 5.3 percent to $2.6 billion.

“Demand for general aviation aircraft remains hardy as our industry continues to strategically navigate ongoing challenges, which include issues with supply chain and workforce shortages within our industry and within global regulatory authorities,” said GAMA President and CEO Pete Bunce. “Deliveries are converging on, and in some cases surpassing, the levels we were experiencing prior to the pandemic, which is a testament to the strength of our industry and the importance and utility of general and business aviation.”

The piston airplane segment saw the largest overall increase at 8.8 percent with 1,012 aircraft delivered through Q3 2022 compared to 930 over the same time period in 2021. Turboprop shipments were up 7.3 percent to 383 units while business jet deliveries rose 1.8 percent to 446. Rotorcraft shipments for the quarter saw similar numbers with turbine helicopters up 7.1 percent and piston helicopters up 3.8 percent.

Kate O'Connor
Kate O’Connor works as AVweb's Editor-in-Chief. She is a private pilot, certificated aircraft dispatcher, and graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

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  1. Oddly enough, another reason that general aviation needs airplanes is due to the current owners not using them. For various reasons. Far too many are sitting in hangars, and haven’t been flown in years. Or left out on the tie downs to rot. I was having this conversation with another manager from a different FBO. The owners won’t sell, won’t fix them, or won’t lease them back. But will pay the storage fees.

    • Years ago, I worked in operations at a regional airport in CT. I spent a lot of time on the ramp and knew which planes flew and which just sat. It was always the same 20% or so that flew while the others sat and oxidized. It never made any sense to me.

  2. I see that a lot also. I’ve spoken with some of the owners and conclude its a variation of hoarding behavior/mentality. Almost as much a psychiatric issue as financial stupidity.

  3. I think that one of the factors affecting the disuse of these dormant airplanes may be in part attributable to the ageing of the pilots and their airplanes. As such risk aversion enters in the equation where the pilots have decided that flying exceeds the appetite for the risk involved. Couple that with the expense/reward element of obtaining an annual, AME medical exam, BFR or more likely flight review and the choice may become to not fly. On that risk aversion point, I think that some owners see selling as a risk as well. In this current used aircraft market, although somewhat softening as of late, it would make more sense to sell with a
    good contract and move on.
    not a broker:-)