uAvionix tailBeaconX Receives FAA TSO

The uAvionix tailBeaconX tail-mounted Mode S transponder has received TSO approval, paving the way for its use in certified aircraft. Already used on experimental aircraft, the tailBeaconX includes a Mode…

The uAvionix tailBeaconX tail-mounted Mode S transponder has received TSO approval, paving the way for its use in certified aircraft. Already used on experimental aircraft, the tailBeaconX includes a Mode S transponder, internal GPS and LED position light in one 5-oz. package. The transponder is controlled by the AV-30-C all-in-one EFIS with special control software. 

“Combining a LED rear position light replacement, a 1090 MHz Mode S ES ADS-B OUT transponder, SBAS GPS position source, and a dipole antenna into a single package was a major feat for our team—resulting in major cost reduction to our customers,” said Ryan Braun, COO of uAvionix. “Weighing only 140 grams, taking no critical panel space, while incorporating its own antennas, the path to ADS-B compliance is significantly simplified for a large group of aircraft.”

According to uAvionix, the system actually meets four different TSOs: TSO-C112e Level 2els, Class 1 (Mode S Transponder); TSO-C166b Class B1S (ADS-B OUT Extended Squitter); TSO-C145e Class Beta-1 (SBAS GPS Position Source); and TSO-C30c Type III (Rear LED Position Light). Including the integrated Aieron compatibility, the tailBeaconX will cost $2,499. 

Marc CookEditor
KITPLANES Editor in Chief Marc Cook has been in aviation journalism for more than 30 years. He is a 4000-hour instrument-rated, multi-engine pilot with experience in nearly 150 types. He’s completed two kit aircraft, an Aero Designs Pulsar XP and a Glasair Sportsman 2+2, and currently flies a 2002 GlaStar.