Enhanced Flight Vision System Rules Delayed

The FAA has pushed back by a week the effective date of new rules allowing increased use of enhanced flight vision systems (EFVS) during takeoff and landing.

Approach to landing view using Rockwell Collins EFVS

The FAA has pushed back by a week the effective date of new rules allowing increased use of enhanced flight vision systems (EFVS) during takeoff and landing. In a Federal Register notice issuedWednesday, the agency said it is delaying the effective date "to allow for the review of this final rule in accordance with the President's memorandum," referring to the order suspending certain regulatory actions until they can be reviewed by appointees of the new administration. The affected rules are now scheduled to go into effectMarch 21instead ofMarch 13. Other effective dates published in the original December 2016 rulemaking notice are not affected by this delay.

Operators of aircraft equipped with certified EFVS are currently authorized to use those systems in lieu of visual references to descend from the MDA/DA to 100 feet above the touchdown zone. The rules issued in December 2016, if and when they become effective, will permit operators to use EFVS, without accompanying natural visual references, to continue certain straight-in instrument approaches through touchdown and rollout and will permit aircraft operating under Parts 121, 125 or 135 to depart when surface visibility is below legal departure minima by using EFVS during takeoff.