COM-810+R, (COM810+R)

This is the hard-to-find Narco COM-810+R, which is a special version of the COM-810. Unlike the “regular” COM-810, the COM-810+R is designed as a slide-in replacement for the following radios: Narco COM-11 Narco COM-11A Narco COM-11B Narco COM-111 Narco COM-111B Narco COM-120 The “+” in the name means that this radio also offers the following upgrades: 760 COMM channel capability Active and standby frequencies are remembered when the radio is turned off 10 frequency memory The COM-810+R also has the following features from the “regular” COM-810: Simultaneous digital display of both active and standby frequencies Push button frequency flip-flop 10 watts of transmission power TSO’d

This is the hard-to-find Narco COM-810+R, which is a special version of the COM-810. Unlike the "regular" COM-810, the COM-810+R is designed as a slide-in replacement for the following radios:

Narco COM-11
Narco COM-11A
Narco COM-11B
Narco COM-111
Narco COM-111B
Narco COM-120

The "+" in the name means that this radio also offers the following upgrades:

760 COMM channel capability
Active and standby frequencies are remembered when the radio is turned off
10 frequency memory

The COM-810+R also has the following features from the "regular" COM-810:

Simultaneous digital display of both active and standby frequencies
Push button frequency flip-flop
10 watts of transmission power
