AVweb’s Question of the Week …

This week, AVweb wants to know if you’ve taken the time to comment on Docket #17005 – the proposed rule to make the D.C.-area ADIZ a permanent feature of Washington’s airspace.  (For more on the Docket and the proposed rule, see the links in “Stress Points” at AVweb’s home page.)


Last week, AVweb asked if anyone was being driven out of flying by the rising costs of fuel, user fees, maintenance, and other "incidental expenses."

To our delight (but hardly to our surprise), the most popular answer was this one:  Flying is part of who I am, exorbitant prices or not.  56% of those who responded took that devil-may-care attitude to pricing and opted to stay in the skies, even if it does become a drain on the bank account.

Another 13% were a little more cautious in their attitude to the rising cost of flying.  These pilots told us they would consider cost-cutting options like flying clubs or aircraft partnerships, but they weren't (yet) ready to rule out ownership.

19% of you admitted that costs had gotten too high - between rising gas prices, hangar costs, and the sting of acquisition, it's just too expensive to be an aircraft owner these days.

9% of our respondents were new pilots discouraged by the costs of aviation.  I finally got my license, they told us, and I can't afford to use it.

And the final 3% of those polled told us that their families came first and the planes just had to go.


This week, AVweb wants to know if you've taken the time to comment on Docket #17005 - the proposed rule to make the D.C.-area ADIZ a permanent feature of Washington's airspace.  (For more on the Docket and the proposed rule, see the links in "Stress Points" at AVweb's home page.)

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions toqotw@avweb.com.

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