Pelican’s Perch #22:Short- and Soft-Field Takeoffs – FAA vs. Reality
What’s the best technique for taking off from a short or soft field? According to John Deakin, there’s the FAA way (as documented in the POH and the FAA’s Flight Training Handbook), and then there’s the right way. The problem with the FAA way, says Deakin, is that it’s predicated on certification requirements which are totally unrealistic. As usual, AVweb’s resident pelican shreds the conventional wisdom, then explains how it’s really done.
I hate what seems to be the officialFAA-approved way of handling short and soft fields, and it's past time I yelled about it.There seems to be a good deal of confusion in the pilot ranks, and even among some CFIs,over the differences between short-field and soft-field technique, and I'dlike to comment on that, too.
A major problem is that these techniques are almost always taught from very long, verywide hard-surface runways. This isn't very realistic or meaningful. It may not benecessary to go find a critically short runway for this training, but we need a lotless than a vast stretch of concrete with no reference points to properly train for thismaneuver.
The current training is all but useless, in my opinion. It might as well bediscontinued for all the good it does. A pilot at any level can get entirely through thecourse, take the final FAA checkride, demonstrate the FAA-approved way of doing it, andstill not have the faintest idea how to really do one properly.
Beyond that, the lessons learned are the wrong ones, and do not serve pilots well asthey move into larger aircraft. The misconceptions taught early are widely shared todayamong the professional crews operating jet transports. At least the FAA has the theory of"Primacy" right - these pilots were taught wrong from the start, and theyremember it well!
It would be far better to have a real soft field (nice deep MUD) and to have a row oftrees alongside the runway for reference, so the different techniques might be comparedfrom one takeoff to the next. CFIs would also do their students a favor if they found arunway 30 feet wide for some training, but that is another story.
Tearing Up the FTH
Here's the hot poopfrom the head shed, right out of the FAA's Flight Training Handbook (FTH), from1965. No, you didn't misread that - the poor old thing hasn't been updated in 35years, yet this is "The Bible" as far as the FAA is concerned! Now tobe fair, airplanes still fly pretty much like they did 35 years ago, and there's a lot ofreally good stuff in there. But it's sadly out of date in many things, and flat out wrongin a few.
Let me show the text from the FTH here in italics, and comment on it as we go. ThenI'll tell you what I really think.
Short-Field Takeoff and Climb
Taking off and climbing from fields where the takeoff area is short or the available takeoff area is restricted by obstructions, requires that the pilot operate the airplane at the limit of its takeoff performance capabilities. |
Sure, but there are two entirely different scenarios here! One is a short runway, andthe other is nearby obstructions. These call for entirely different and conflictingtechniques. I cannot begin to imagine why the FAA chose to lump them into one catchallprocedure, which serves neither purpose very well.
Furthermore, this is a true statement only if the actual field is the absoluteminimum-length field from the beginning of the runway to the assumed 50-foot obstacle.Frankly, it's very unlikely that any pilot in all aviation history has everneeded this very peculiar combination.
To depart such an area safely, the pilot must exercise positive and precise control of airplane attitude and airspeed so that takeoff and climb performance results in the shortest ground roll and the steepest angle of climb. |
Again, there may be two conflicting requirements, and the shortest ground roll does notgive the steepest angle of climb, nor does the technique required for the steepest climbgive the shortest roll. That statement is clearly incorrect.
The result achieved should be consistent with the flight performance section of the FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual or the Pilot's Operating Handbook. |
Here we get the first hint on certification requirements, and the terrible, terribleidea that we should fly the airplane that way in normal operations. The FAA has decidedthat takeoff performance must be determined. The requirements for establishing this arefound in FAR Part 23 - Airworthiness Standards: Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, andCommuter Category Airplanes.
Certification vs. Reality
In that part, you will find detailed instructions to the manufacturers on just how todetermine the certification takeoff distance. All are based on the classicscenario of a 50-foot obstacle, and the runway (or clearway) is assumed to run right up tothe obstacle. In other words, the test pilot can roll to the trees and do a vertical climb(clearly impossible), or he can haul it off the ground at the slowest speed permitted(120% of the stalling speed) and thereafter climb at that speed or any faster speed hewants.
These certification requirements drive virtually all test pilots, in all cases,to leave the airplane on the ground to just under 120% of stall, then pull it off brisklyto achieve and maintain that 120% to 50 feet.
To illustrate, the book says my airplane stalls at 64 knots at max gross (that's alsowrong, but let it go for now). 120% of that is 77 knots. If we check the fine print on thetakeoff chart, we see:
Once the test pilots do that a number of times, they get proficient enough to do itwith utter precision, even on a bad hair day. On one of the good days, under perfectconditions, someone measures that point on the runway at which the airplane lifts off, andthe point over the runway at which it reaches 50', and those measurements become the"Ground Roll" and "Takeoff Distance" in the POH.
In all cases the power setting, flap setting, airspeed, and procedures prescribed by the airplane's manufacturer should be observed. |
Maybe, if you have a situation where reality is the same as the certification standard.Find me one case, please? Anyone? A 50-foot obstacle, exactly in your way, exactly at theminimum distance for your takeoff, "today"?
Folks, the stuff in the POH is certification stuff, and is not the mosteffective data for the real world.
In order to accomplish maximum performance takeoff safely, the pilot must be well indoctrinated in the use and effectiveness of the best angle of climb speed (Vx) and best rate of climb speed (Vy) for the specific make and model of airplane being flown. |
I don't like this. Again, you will probably never face a takeoff involving bothminimum runway, and obstacles at the minimum distance. If you are, you need tostop, do some very careful figuring, and maybe get a professional bush pilot to fly it outfor you. Better yet, rent a heavy-lift helicopter.
What Good Are Vx and Vy?
If you will allow me to separate the takeoff maneuver itself from the climb well afterthe takeoff maneuver is complete, then Vx and Vy have nothing to do with thetakeoff. Vx and Vy are steady-state airspeeds that are useful for steady-state conditions.The takeoff is not such a steady-state condition, and these speeds are not useful below50' (except for test pilots during certification).
The speed for best angle of climb (Vx) is that which will result in the greatest gain in altitude for a given distance over the ground. |
Correct, and very useful for climbing over yonder mountain ridge if you're climbing upa canyon that won't allow a turn. But if you're down in the gully, trying to get out oftough strip and you're worried about Vx, you really shouldn't have been there in the firstplace, and it's time for that heavy-lift helo again.
It is usually slightly less than the speed for best rate of climb (Vy) which provides the greatest gain in altitude per unit of time. The specific speeds to be used for a given airplane are stated in the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual or the Pilot's Operating Handbook. It will be found that in some airplanes, a deviation of 5 knots from the recommended speed will result in a significant reduction of climb performance. That being the case, precise control of airspeed has an important bearing on the safety of the operation. |
All true. Vy is good for "Gosh, it's rough down here today, I want to get up to asmooth altitude as quickly as possible so my spouse doesn't do a technicolor yawn."It's also good for the above "yonder mountain ridge," because you can usually doa turn or two, and take advantage of Vy to clear that ridge in less time.
In most high-performance airplanes with air-cooled engines, either Vx or Vy is going torun your engine temperatures way up, and I don't like that, even if they do remain withinfactory limits. On the other hand, if it's not my engine and it is my tummy, please doclimb as rapidly as possible.
Additionally, forward visibility will be so poor in most airplanes that a Vy climb isclearly unsafe, and should only be used when absolutely necessary. Vx is worse, almost anemergency speed.
The Takeoff Roll
Taking off from short fields requires that the takeoff be started from the very beginning of the takeoff area and the airplane accelerated as rapidly as possible. At the field threshold, the airplane is aligned with the intended takeoff path and maximum allowable power applied promptly while releasing the brakes. |
This is much too simplistic, but perhaps good enough for a manual at the primary level.Tests have shown there is very little difference between stopping, then going to fullpower with brake release, or rolling onto the runway at a normal taxi speed, and turningonto the takeoff heading while going to full power. If anything, the latter will produceslightly better performance, and will certainly save your prop from dings and nicks fromthe gravel and dirt that often goes with the short runway.
If the use of flaps is recommended by the airplane manufacturer, they should be extended the proper amount before starting the takeoff roll. This permits the pilot to give full attention to the proper technique and the airplane's performance throughout the takeoff. There is no significant advantage to extending flaps just prior to liftoff. |
Again, this is probably appropriate at the primary level, and with many modern aircraftwith flaps that cannot be extended quickly. But it is clearly untrue with some airplanes,under some conditions, and veteran bush pilots will snicker at the thought of throwingaway the useful technique of "popping" the flaps at the last minute on a SuperCub or an older 180 or 182 with the lovely big "Johnson bar" flap lever.
Takeoff power should be applied smoothly and continuously - there can be no hesitation - to accelerate the airplane as rapidly as possible. As the takeoff roll progresses, the airplane's pitch attitude and angle of attack should be adjusted to that which results in the minimum amount of drag and the quickest acceleration (Fig. 8-4). (Emphasis by author.) In nosewheel type airplanes this will involve very little use of the elevator control, since the airplane is already in a low drag attitude. In tailwheel type airplanes, the tail should be allowed to rise off the ground slightly, then held in this tail low flight attitude until the proper liftoff or rotation airspeed is attained. |
All good, except that final sentence is not very clear to me. It seems to suggest atail-low attitude for the taildragger, and not for the nosedragger. For a short-fieldtakeoff on a hard, smooth surface, we want as little aerodynamic drag as possible, andthis implies a level attitude for minimum (parasite) drag, and minimum lift (withattendant induced drag) being produced during the acceleration phase of the takeoff. Itmakes no difference which end has the little wheel - the attitude during thetakeoff roll should be the same. Ideally, no lift should be produced when using ahard-surfaced runway.
For the steepest climbout and best obstacle clearance, the airplane should be allowed to roll with its full weight [i.e., no lift - author] on the main wheels and accelerated to the liftoff speed. |
Yes! The FAA got one right, this time! But note this is only true on hard smoothrunways.
Climbing Out
The airplane should be smoothly and firmly lifted off, or rotated, by applying back pressure on the elevator control as the best angle of climb speed (Vx) is attained. Since the airplane will accelerate more rapidly after liftoff, additional back pressure becomes necessary to hold a constant airspeed. After becoming airborne, a straight climb should be maintained at the best angle of climb speed (Vx) until the obstacles have been cleared or, if no obstacles are involved, until an altitude of at least 50 feet above the takeoff surface is attained. |
Ahh, they were doing so well until that "if no obstacles are involved."What the heck does 50 feet have to do with anything, if there are no obstacles? Whythe 50 feet? As we shall see later, if you are at Vx in most high-performance singles at50 feet and the engine quits, you're dead.
Also, and very important, note they don't mention the end of the runway. This dreadfulparagraph clearly assumes certification runway length, which you will probably neversee! If no obstacles are involved, why not just leave the airplane on the ground untilnearing the end of the runway, taking the additional speed gained? Why force it tobe a "short-field takeoff" when there is perhaps enough runway to make it a"normal" one? Far too many pilots learn to fly off a 10,000-foot-long,200-foot-wide runway, then when faced with a 1,500-footer, their heart rate accelerates,and everything they've been taught is screaming at them "short field, shortfield," and they are suckered into using a clearly inappropriate technique!
Thereafter the pitch attitude may be lowered slightly, and the climb continued at the best rate of climb speed (Vy) until reaching a safe maneuvering altitude. |
What is a "safe maneuvering altitude," please? Anyone? There is a terribletendency to overdo this, with some even saying it's the altitude from which you canexecute an engine-out landing back on the runway. At 99.9% of the airports we use, a"safe" altitude is anything from about ten feet above the runway on up.
Unlike a short-field approach where the power can be varied to maintain the desired approach airspeed, the short-field takeoff requires the use of full takeoff power. Since the power setting is thereby fixed, airspeed must be controlled by adjusting the pitch attitude, which in turn will also vary the climb angle. |
Badly said, I think. Better might be "At full power, the steady-state climb anglewill vary with airspeed, with the steepest angle occurring at Vx. Since the power is fixed(full takeoff power), the airspeed must be controlled with pitch in this case."
Remember that an attempt to pull the airplane off the ground prematurely, or to climb too steeply, may cause the airplane to settle back to the runway or into the obstacles. |
Not exactly. This is true only if the performance is marginal, as at high elevationsand density altitudes, or with very underpowered airplanes, which is pretty much the samething. For example, take a 172 to Crede, Colorado, 9,000 feet MSL and 6,500 feet long, andyou might need to accelerate in a level attitude to Vy (yes, Vy, not Vx), then gingerlylift it off, and accept a ten-foot-per-minute rate of climb. If you pulled the nose up tothe point where the tail was almost dragging (soft-field technique), the extra drag mightwell prevent acceleration above a very fast taxi, and you'd roll right off the end, stilltoo slow to fly.
The most (in)famous example of this was a North American F-86 "Sabrejet"being flown by a pilot not very familiar with the breed. The aircraft, like most earlyjets, is rather underpowered at low speeds, and only really becomes a real airplane aboveabout 200 knots. The new pilot lifted the nose a bit too early on the takeoff roll, andtoo much, causing too much drag. This reduced the acceleration (or stopped it entirely),and the airplane rolled (or flew in ground effect, I forget) right off the end of therunway in that nose-high attitude with less than flying speed, slamming into an ice creamparlor with a bunch of kids in it. This nearly killed the "vintage" and"warbird" aircraft community, and the FAA instituted a ton of regulations andchanges as a result of "The Sacramento Ice Cream Parlor Crash."
While the runway was none too generous, it was well within the capability of theaircraft that day, under those conditions. Had the pilot simply left the nose on theground, in a level, low-drag attitude and gained a bit more speed first, the airplanewould have flown out nicely. The kids would have been startled at the "lowpass," then delighted, instead of killed.
Cleaning Up
On short-field takeoffs, the flaps and landing gear should remain in takeoff position until well clear of obstacles (or as recommended by the manufacturer) and the best rate of climb speed (Vy) has been established. It is generally unwise for the pilot to be looking in the cockpit or reaching for flap and landing gear controls, until obstacle clearance is assured. |
Well, yes, but again, this is appropriate to the primary level, and as a general ruleonly. With more experience, and in some conditions, it may be better to be able to retractthe gear without looking for the switch (with practice), and retract it early to get oversome distant obstacle, or even to get out of ground effect. With that 172 at Crede, youmight end up being able to get airborne into ground effect, but never be able toaccelerate or climb out of it. You'll wish you could retract the gear for thatlittle bit of extra performance!
When the best rate of climb speed has stabilized, retraction of the flaps may be started. It is usually advisable to raise the flaps in increments to avoid sudden loss of lift and settling of the airplane. After the flaps are fully retracted, the landing gear should be retracted (if so equipped) and the power reduced to the normal climb setting. |
BAD advice! Bad, bad dog! Go to the doghouse, without dinner! Someone's nose ought tobe rubbed in that mess, then they should be thrown through the window (No, I don't do thatto dogs, just bad FAA people). I know of no airplane for which this advice is validon takeoff, and a whole bunch of airplanes where it is clearly incorrect. That's badinitial training, because it will require breaking a bad habit later.
Remember that the FTH is talking about takeoffs here! The flaps should be setfor "high lift" and "low drag." The airplane should fly just fine withthat, and the gear may be retracted normally, improving performance.
(There is always the caveat about the airplanes that open gear doors first in theretraction cycle, momentarily adding to the drag. Some of these may need additional speedor altitude before retracting the gear.)
On the other hand, missed approaches and go-arounds generally involve the use of"high lift/high drag" flap settings for the landing, and it is the almostuniversal practice to retract the "drag" portion of the flaps first, then thegear, then the "lift" flaps. This is good procedure in everything I know of,from a 150 to a 747. But we are ripping up takeoff procedures here, not approaches andlandings.
Real Short Fields
What's the best technique for really getting off short? As usual, "it alldepends." To get the absolute minimum ground roll, you need to get it airborneat the slowest speed possible, just above the stall, with the flaps set to the positionthat gives the greatest lift, but without so much drag the airplane won't accelerate inlevel flight, in ground effect. This can vary from airplane to airplane.
For many of the common GA airplanes, at sea level, that implies full flaps, and if youcan't "pop" them at the last minute, they should be set before starting thetakeoff run. We could get really fancy and time them, starting the extension at just theright time so that they reach full down precisely at the point of liftoff, but that'shardly practical!
The airplane should be accelerated in a level (no lift) attitude to the minimum flyingspeed, then the airplane should be aggressively lifted off into ground effect, and nohigher, because if any ground effect is lost, the airplane will stall. This is not good.
To those who yell "What about 1.3 times the stalling speed?" I ask "Whatabout it when you're making a full-stall landing? If you can stall it out on landing fromsix inches up, what's wrong with lifting it six inches off the ground just above the stallon takeoff?
What's this aberrant technique do to climb performance? You guessed it, it kills it, atleast until some speed is gained, the flaps can be eased up to a "high lift, lowdrag" position, and the gear retracted.
Using this technique, a fully grossed Bonanza, at sea level standard conditions, with no wind,can be hauled off the ground in about 500 feet, and kept off, with a gradual acceleration,and a return to normal flight. But at the point of liftoff, there's nothing left for aturn, or any climb at all. Not for the neophyte, but it's not that difficult or dangerousto practice, either.
If there is, say, 700 feet available, then leave the airplane on the ground for 200more feet, there will be more speed to play with, a quicker acceleration, and an earlieropportunity to clean up.
Nearby obstructions call for a careful review of the published data as a guide, and alot of judgment that can come only with practice and experience. You know the saying,"Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."But the book performance can be improved upon.
Let us assume that you have the certification case, "for real." There is afifty-foot concrete wall ahead of you, at exactly the distance the POH says you can clearit. Would any of us go? Of course not, at least not without a loaded gun at our heads! Butassume we must go (a hot date with a tall blonde) and our desire overrides our commonsense - a trait not unknown among pilots, at least those I know.
How can we improve on the book performance? Simple. Leave it on the ground until thelast possible moment (judgment, again), which should give us some speed above Vx, haul itoff the ground and climb with decreasing airspeed, reaching the fifty-foot top of the wallat stalling speed (out of ground effect). Squeak over the wall, lower the nose to gainspeed again, and you're on your way.
This is a thought exercise only! I am not suggesting that you dothis! I am merely trying to illustrate the difference between certificationperformance, and "real world" performance.
Soft Fields
These are among the most challenging of all conditions faced by bush pilots. The"softness" of the runway is very seldom constant along the runway, there will be"soft spots" and "hard spots," and speed gained on the "hardspots" may be lost again in the "soft spots." There is simply no book datathat will help, and no reliable rules. Soft fields simply cannot be simulated properly,and few pilots will ever have the opportunity, or the desire to play with them. Few wishto expose expensive machinery to deep mud or snow for fear of damage, and even deep wetgrass can make an awful mess.
But if you ever get the chance to wallow around in the mud with something like a SuperCub, don't miss the opportunity - it's a ton of fun!
The highest possible angle of attack is desirable, to lift the airplane out of the mudand reduce the drag on the landing gear. The more weight supported by the wings, thebetter, for that means the less weight the wheels must support. The shallower the ruts,the less drag, and the sooner the airplane will reach flying speed. But don't drag thetie-down ring on the tail, that will add drag, too.
In Short (So to Speak) …
The book data assumes certain very rigid, very standard conditions. This may behelpful as a guide, and it certainly allows comparing different airplanes under identicalconditions. But you will probably never see those conditions in the real world. What youdo see will call for some understanding of how the book numbers are established, and mayallow you to gain additional performance from your machine by altering the"standard" techniques to suit the actual conditions.
Be careful up there!