Question Of The Week…

This week, we would like to know your thoughts on learning to fly.

This week, we would like to know your thoughts on learning to fly.

For AVweb's Question of the Week, click here.


We received over 600 responses to our question last week on personal jet aircraft. The majority (69 percent) of our respondents felt that the introduction of these new aircraft is a sign of the times; however, they felt these aircraft will only attract those who can afford to buy them. Only 24 percent of those responding felt that a new revolution in research and development provides for production costs far lower than conventional GA jet aircraft. Almost half (48 percent) felt that training was the key factor is transition to a personal jet aircraft. Several comments we received dealt with the proficiency and pilot skill needed to fly these demanding aircraft. As one person wrote, "These aircraft operate in an environment that demands a competency level well above what most weekend pilots are able to achieve."