Whitaker Nominated For FAA Administrator


The White House confirmed on Thursday that President Joe Biden is nominating Michael Whitaker to serve as the next FAA Administrator. Whitaker was deputy administrator at the FAA from 2013 to 2016 and spent 15 years at United Airlines, where he held positions including director, vice president and senior vice president. A private pilot, he currently works as chief operating officer at advanced air mobility (AAM) company Supernal and serves on the board of the Flight Safety Foundation. Whitaker holds a juris doctorate from Georgetown University.

Whitaker will need to be confirmed by the Senate before assuming the Administrator role. The FAA has been without a Senate-confirmed Administrator since the resignation of Steve Dickson in March 2022. As previously reported by AVweb, Biden’s first nominee for the position, Phil Washington, withdrew from the nomination last March after a contentious confirmation hearing. The position has been filled by acting administrators Billy Nolen, who was appointed after Dickson’s departure, and Polly Trottenberg, who was appointed last June.

Whitaker’s nomination has gained support from aviation organizations including the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

Kate O'Connor
Kate O’Connor works as AVweb's Editor-in-Chief. She is a private pilot, certificated aircraft dispatcher, and graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

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  1. Looks like he has potential but I am (very) dubious of this:

    “(He) works as chief operating officer at advanced air mobility (AAM) company Supernal.”

    Sounds like he has a horse in the race and perhaps should be disqualified based on that.

  2. If they’re employed in the revolving door of government and beltway bandity, they ALL have horses in the race. Just depends on whether their horse is lame of being shored up by the back room manipulators.

  3. JC himself wouldn’t satisfy you guys who see conspiracies around every corner. Must be miserable living like that. He’s got an actual record having been in the job in the past. Look at how he did on the job 2013-16. Give him a chance. If he fails, then you can criticize.