Flying Musicians Association Awards 2023 Solo Scholarship
The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) has awarded its 2023 FMA Solo scholarship to high school senior and pianist Justin Duval. Duval, the program’s sixteenth scholarship recipient, was one of five…

Image: Flying Musicians Association
The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) has awarded its 2023 FMA Solo scholarship to high school senior and pianist Justin Duval. Duval, the program’s sixteenth scholarship recipient, was one of five finalists selected from a pool of 87 nominees. The FMA Solo program offers scholarships to high school music students for flight training through their first solo in addition to providing assistance with flight training materials and gear.
“Justin has the desire, passion, drive, and initiative to succeed in so many areas,” FMA said. “His attention to detail and pursuit of all things aviation and music has stood him apart from many. His musical achievements have led to many opportunities like Carnegie Hall and the Oakland California Temple to perform pieces ranging from Sonatas to traditional Chinese music. Now we will all witness his growth in aviation.”
The FMA Solo program is open to junior and senior high school music students who are at least 16 years of age and able to get a 3rd Class FAA medical, state-issued driver license or equivalent. Candidates must be nominated by their music director or teacher. Scholarship program sponsors include Hartzell Propeller, Bose Aviation, Sporty’s Pilot Shop, MyGoFlight, Gleim Aviation, Flying Eyes Optics and the FMA Denny Scalise Memorial Fund.
Further information about the FMA Solo program is available at