FMA Opens 2021 Student Scholarship Nominations
The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) has announced that it is currently accepting nominations for its 2021 FMA Solo Scholarship program. The scholarships offered through the program provide flight training through…

Image: Flying Musicians Association
The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) has announced that it is currently accepting nominations for its 2021 FMA Solo Scholarship program. The scholarships offered through the program provide flight training through first solo for junior and senior high school music students interested in learning to fly. To date, twelve students have soloed through the program, which has averaged two scholarship awards a year since its creation.
“FMA members love assisting others who share our passions of flying and music,” said FMA President John Zapp. “To be able to assist and watch our student members grow through aviation and music while inspiring others is such a rewarding experience.”
According to FMA, the scholarship provides assistance with obtaining flight training materials and flight gear in addition to funding. Nominations from music teachers and directors are being accepted through Jan. 31, 2020, with all nominees receiving a sponsored FMA student membership. As discussed in this podcast with AVweb, FMA’s Solo Scholarship program is now entering its seventh year.