Podcast: uAvionix ADS-B Experiment In U.K.
As the 2020 ADS-B mandate pumpkin looms on the horizon, say this is about the system: Once youve ponied up for the installation cost, it does provide free weather and traffic. But in Europe and the U.K., no deal. And a recent experiment to see if pilots across the pond would pay for these services produced an unsurprising result. They wont. In this podcast recorded at Aero this week, uAvionix’s Mike Tetlow explains.
As the 2020 ADS-B mandate pumpkin looms on the horizon, say this is about the system: Once you've ponied up for the installation cost, it does provide free weather and traffic. But in Europe and the U.K., no deal. And a recent experiment to see if pilots across the pond would pay for these services produced an unsurprising result. They won't. In this podcast recorded at Aero this week, uAvionix's Mike Tetlow explains.
Duration: 8:10
File Size: 8.1 MB download here

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